Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Announcing Wholistic Learning Resources

I am thrilled to announce the opening of Wholistic Learning Resources!

For many years, I have carried the vision of creating a one-day-a-week program to support Sacramento Area homeschoolers in their quest to educate at home with Waldorf inspiration.

Over the years, the vision has expanded as I learned about other approaches, like Charlotte Mason, Classical Education and unschooling.

To start with, the classes will be "Waldorf-inspired": Eurythmy and Watercolor Painting, led by two wonderful teachers. In the future, we will expand, adding more Waldorf-inspired classes as well as those from other wholistic approaches to education.

Please check out the site! I'd love your feedback.

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Hey Sandi! I am making a WISH that our Atlanta group can find a place like this for our wonderful teachers here and our lovely group of families. Best wishes to you.